Friday 14 June 2019

Education And India

Hello ,

Great philanthropist Swami Vivekanand said , " Education is the manifestation of the latent perfection in individual."  Our Indian philosophy of Gurus Shishyas and Gurukulam System was ideal and we were adored by the whole world for that. All of us know that Takshasheela and Nalanda were top universities in the world. The  Whole World used to migrate  india for education mostly called as knowledge those days I.e. ancient Indian times. Only in indian Way of life there's a God of Knowledge and intelligence Saraswati and Ganpati. For us education is not getting certificates and degrees it's about something essential to build up a society full of joy and sustainable existence. India believed in the philosophy of स विद्या या विमुक्तये knowledge is that which liberates here liberation doesn't mean just salvation it means escape from materialistic sorrow. perspectives of education is based on knowledge and it leads to create a happy student leading to ensure a happy society. But Now the old times are gone and we live in 21st century.

       Time is the only thing that keeps  changing constantly. Our time started changing after we started experiencing invasions from Europe and  Arab the Shakas Hunas and Kushanas were the most disastrous invaders. Meer kasim's attack on King Sahit was first Islamic attack on india. Also Seleucus Nicotor , Miniyandere  and then Series of invasions completely destroyed Indian Civilization. Battle at Takshasheela made high nuisance to us. More than 2 crore books and papers of Takshasheela university were burnt everyday by the invaders just to make hot water for bathing. Ancient Greek and Latin evidences prove that sanskrit was a world language and Westerner's claim that it's the mother of European languages. Ancient india was at its peak in all aspects of human well-being specially education.

Later India went through mughal empire and then british rule. During mughal period, at some extent education system was affected but the trade , production and economy was all in hands of Indians only the rulers were mughals but hardly they had brain to keep control on trade economy and specially education. Mughals were very well defeated by Marathas and During 1800 Indian economy was 27% of the world's. GDP , export and much more was equal to what USA shows to the world today. Finally, we are attacked by the most intellectual enemies, The Firangiis .. the British came to power from late 18th century that to over a small part of india. Slowly they captured all India. They studied the indian mindset and the key component which makes india what it is in 1800. T B Macaulay roamed india and addressed british parliament about india and it's rich spiritual heritage, and Ancient education system. Attaching a Picture of his address.

After that each and every gurukul was destroyed by Britishers and the backbone of india was crushed. Also , the truth of high caste patriarchy on the lower caste people was a cardinal reason behind india becoming uneducated day by day. In Maharashtra Saint Dnyaneshwar the first saint of "Maharashtra Dharma" founder of bhagwat Dharma had to translate the Main holy book of Hindus which is the Geeta to Marathi. This shows that Behind lack of education in Indians casteism has played a major role. Anyway moving on , india became Independent in 1947.

    After being an Independent nation we could have made changes in the British made systems to make india a better place in terms of education but vain despite being in power for decades the Indian National Congress did not pay attention to educational reforms. They continued the convent education system of british colonies which is now known as CBSE board. Many chief ministers of congress itself Denied the westernised policy of NEHRU and they established regional language education boards. For example Ravi Shankar Shukla former CM of Madhya Pradesh.
Days were passing and INDIA started three to four education mediums with different curriculum. Fully regional language based education, semi english education, CBSE education and ICSE board such four different systems are there now. Initially there were few central schools only  for children of central government employees. Now in the high urge and craze of english-education all the regional mediums are strategically destroyed and the new CBSE schools which are not by the government but by the capitalists who fund the government are being established. The fees of such schools is in lakhs for nursery and first standard admissions. The fees structure in gradation is lesser than this in our country but the school's are sucking  more as they are the shops now. Education has became business today. I studied in state Government school with 500 bucks as annual fees whereas my friends studied in CBSE schools with 80000 plus fees per annum where education is the same and what after matriculation and higher secondary we are in same colleges for medical science and engineering. If I paid few money on it then why one has to pay lacks for it ?? Now those who are passed out from such CBSE schools are thinking about the future of our own children as the fees are increased highly but the majority indian youth is jobless and also the pay scales are reduced. Government do not want to look into this and solve the problem. On the other hand this convent education system do not tech any indian language as first language. They just put only hindi that too as second language and very superficially it is taught. No CBSE student develops love for hindi literature or the hindi culture is also not inculcated through CBSE. And about other languages union government is always against them and hence despite CBSE schools being established in all states the State tounge,the State history the culture etc nothing is taught in schools. This education system is making India westernised it's taking us away from our own mother tounge,own culture and mainly literature. Being a citizen of cosmopolitan area I found CBSE friends completely unaware of any indian language  and culture in Depth. Their thinking arena is very much contracted due to mono-linguistic convent system.

Third fault is that india lacks in providing updated knowledge of the basic subjects taught in schools. Students don't know the no. of States and their population, their capitals and much more. They don't know history of the state they are living in. Also, the recent developments in the science and technology sectors is not covered by the curriculum. From half dozen decades the course of engineering and technology is not changed in india. In the technology education practical knowledge is very less but the theory is almost 90% remembering paragraphs makes you score high but practically your ability to think is retarded. This is making an India of robots who don't have their own Brain. Indians never think practically they often entangled in their preheld perceptions. Also the education is not as per the choice of an individual, the requirements into the industry and market. 90% of indian engineers are unemployable and working as clerks. Now india has crores of educated-graduated Unemployed youngsters. For the bank clerk exam indian government has made graduation compulsory but applicants are post graduate and also the doctorates. This is because of mis management of economy and social structure. Educated india is jobless because of lack of education with its exactness.

My perspective of education is creation of a society who can fulfill their material needs first and then it should create a social security system. We must teach indian languages till higher secondary because only mother tounge can develop thinking process and it's the only way to become creative. Secondary english the language of science and technology must be taught from beginning and slowly it must be taught by connecting it with the mother tongue so that cognitive ability is developed. We should create a society which believes in making a exact rapporteur of our culture and modernism so as to achieve wealth. Education which teaches us both is what I expect.
India is naturally diverse so why do we need Central boards. Let every state  ensure their education policy. There  must be a common education system throughout Indian States which will be by the state government. Centralizing 130 crore  people in every aspect has made it extremely difficult to manage exmas and everything. Government must not shut down their own schools. It must create a common medium of education and for the privately running schools fees structure to be controlled by the government because they have became shops and education is made business today. We must look forward to make a Nation of elite class people who can think on their own. In science and technology sector we need to look at our resources and then we can go on. So the moto of our education must be Shiksha dadati vivekam..


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